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HP VLC History

Writer's picture: HPVLC AdminHPVLC Admin

Updated: Feb 20, 2019

Renovations and upgrades

It didn't take long to outgrow our first sanctuary.

When we purchased our building it was split in two separate areas from the businesses that used to be in it. For the first year we did renovations to, and used, the east side of the building while the west side was leased out. We outgrew the space quickly and began renovations on the west side, taking out part of the separating wall to expand. Now we have a beautiful sanctuary and a fellowship hall, including a liscenced kitchen, that are put to good use on a regular basis.

Mexico Missions

Baja House and Safe Care Missions need ongoing support.

Ps Luc has lead many groups and teams down to Ensenada, MX for missions work. Victory church owns a house over looking the city known as the Victory Baja House where mission groups can stay. Wayne and Claire Wagner are always grateful for teams that can go and help with the Safe Care orphanage and Daycare. Below are some pictures from a couple of groups that Ps Luc has taken in the last few years including a youth trip.

Remembrance Day Service

Every year the legion hosts a remembrance day service and asks the local churches to participate.

Ps Luc was honoured to be asked to share the word at the remembrance day service a few years ago. A lot of people were moved by his short message that included memories of his own grandfather and the war.



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